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Daryon Nhalaryn Printable version

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Daryon Nhalaryn

Biographical information
Thanasis 18 Thanasis, Inner City
Physical description
Human Male 6' Blond Brown Fair, freckled
Political information
Dragon Rider, Heir
Out-of-character information
doonaday January 2024 Soluna Artworks


Tall, handsome, and heir to his father's family fortunes, Daryon favours heavily after his mother in terms of looks. This has been seen as unseemly by the Nhalaryons, who are no fans of Alryssa, his mother.

Skills and Abilities

Strong, and skilled, Daryon was taught at length to build his endurance. His style of fight is to wear down his opponent before striking them down for the count.



The Black Dragon bonded with Daryon at ten years of age, and since has grown into one of the deepest of black scales existing in the current bloodline. Standing at an impressive height, her silhouette gives off a sculptural shape and is known for her hawk-like gaze.

She dislikes having her rider out of eye sight, and is also protective of his loved ones.

Biography & Lore

<This is where your detailed biography will go. Feel free to complete this section later and add to it as your character develops>
