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Damagutz Printable version

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Biographical information
Molthal 35 Alliria
Physical description
Orc Male 5'8 Heavy and muscle bound Black One brown, one red Green
Political information
Goes from job to job. Butcher, Chef, Painter, Baliff, Petty Criminal, Mercenary, Tracker
Out-of-character information

Damagutz is a tempestuous orc who acts upon his gut instinct impulsively when a mood strikes him in service to his own cruel sense of amusement and whimsy. The orc has known terrible violence and accepts it as an intrinsic part of life...even if he frequently comes out worse for wear in the fights he sparks and refuses to back down from. He is quick to dole out his own damage with fist, sword, primitive magic and whatever improvised weapon is to hand at the slightest provocation from his twisted logic with a smile on his lips and words that goad anyone and anything which presents itself as worthy of a scrap. The strangest thing can insult Damagutz's warped sense of pride and karma, sometimes this can make the orc seem as a valiant vigilante or a cruel bully depending on the circumstances. The orc has survived such a dangerous way of life due to his uncanny and heroic ability to regenerate wounds and heal even the most grievous of injuries using his innate primal magic. For this reason Damagutz only calls the toughest his friends, for they usually get roped into his fights, or become a victim of his own aggression. He respects strength and tenacity, and has a great sense of humour about his own losses, although he can turn against those who would laugh with him at the slightest notion that he is seen as weak. Those who call him a friend often either give him a wide berth or enjoy getting into fights just as much as he does.


Damagutz is a well built and brooding orc with numerous scars about his person from wounds that would appear to be deadly. He wears a breastplate of steel and leather scraps of armour, most of which is threadbare and has endured viscous cuts.

Skills and Abilities

The orc has a savage nature of fighting and thrives in pub brawls. Bottles, kegs, chairs and tables are all his weapons, instantly taken up and brutally applied. A vicious single headed axe hangs at the orc's belt, alongside various wicked daggers. Damagutz is especially skilled with throwing axes and darts. He can carry himself in a fight, but is not accustomed to anything more grand in scale than skirmishes with mercenary companies or bandits.

Damagutz has a rudimentary ability to magic, not that he could explain how he performs such deeds to anyone else. He is able to conjure fire within his hands, to offer a simple shield against spells that would present harm, and can see perfectly in the dark using simple spells. The primary magic that Damagutz is able to muster is powerful regenerative magic, which allows him to continue fighting and living far beyond what would fell others. Wounds that would fell others are taken without complaint or issue due to the magic that preserves Damagutz's life, his wounds clean themselves, gashes do not require stitches, and cuts close over and cauterize without any application of medicine. The orc is a self-healing machine. Using such magic gives Damagutz a ravenous hunger however, and usually finds himself having to consume vast quantities of meat and drink to restore his vigor.


Violent and wicked in humour, quick to fight and slow to calm, Damagutz is a dangerous mind in an enduring body. Little can intimidate him from enacting his own sense of violence and warped justice, and often entrenches himself in the deepest trouble without fear. He endures what wounds come his way without complaint, and often learns entirely the wrong lesson from a beat down, no matter how injured he may become. Damagutz can have a great sense of solidarity to his fellow conspirators if working on a criminal enterprise, and is quick to bring down treasonous thoughts. Once Damagutz is committed to a venture he is committed to the idea in his own head and takes a great deal of persuasion to dissuade him from going through with the vision in his own mind.

Damagutz goes from job to job without much care if he is still working that job the next day and earns enough so that he doesn't have to risk petty crime, although that has and is always an option. He can work hard when it suits him, although he often becomes bored in short order and changes his path. Ultimately, there is always mercenary work, which the orc applies himself well to. So long as he is fed, Damagutz has no complaints. A job is a job.

Often pursuing the seediest bars and pubs for the unscrupulous patrons and eruptions of bar violence, Damagutz can often be found drinking the cheapest pints in places many fear to step foot in. That said, the orc finds some measure of peace cooking out doors, smoking pipes, and sunbathing. He often has to take time out to heal properly before returning to his usual haunts, and so often has a lot of time on his hands. He is often preoccupied with scheming up criminal activity, although he rarely goes out and does it himself.

Biography & Lore

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