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Cutter Wright

Biographical information
unknown 26 Nowhere. He's currently Looking for a place to call home
Physical description
Human W/ Altered DNA Male 6'0 184 LB Black Blue Caucasian
Political information
Out-of-character information
Warden Kanton on twitter


Cutter has soft facial features. There's a Scar on his left cheek that runs down past his jaw line and onto his neck, He's built Athletic with a good amount of muscle, however with clothing on he appears slimmer than he actually is especially due to his apparel.

Cutter typically dons a loose red linen shirt, black trousers and boots to match, with a Blueish grey sailors coat over it all that hangs to his thighs to keep covered and add some warmth. His hair is long, black, shaved on the sides and he usually leaves it tied up unless he's planning on sleeping or washing.

His gear is simple, besides a rucksack filled with supplies His longsword is with him at all times. Cutters personal weapon, the scabbard made of maroon dyed leather with black leather straps tied around it. The sword itself made of several components the blade is made of a steel that appears Silver a standard T cross guard made of graphite metal, brown standard wrapping around the handle, and a black pommel in the shape of a budding rose.

Skills and Abilities

Cutter won't be completely sure until a significant amount of time passes but it's almost unmistakable, a feeling deep down that he stopped aging once he had Awoken.

whoever he was in his past life clearly knew how to use a blade, the skills transitioning over as if he had always known how to wield it. While he's good with a blade, his skill is nowhere near a master, or even close to how skilled he was in his previous life.

While cutter can't use an ounce of magic he does have the "Gifts" from the creature seemingly sealed inside him these allow him to enhance his own body becoming faster and stronger. he can also levitate and manipulate objects. this even works on himself for short periods of time, however, this doesn't work to the same affect on other beings.

When it comes to living/moving creatures the best he can do is give a forceful shove or pull against one his size and mass or smaller, sending it back a few feet. Anything larger and he may be able to slow its momentum.

Ignition: This is an enhancement, Cutter has the ability to "ignite" whatever weapons he touches and some objects. it changes their appearance and properties, the weapon will morph gaining black soot-ish features, and becomes set ablaze with crimson energy. different objects and weapons "Ignite" in different ways, each one unique, but typically it adds a powerful feature to whatever weapon he is using it on, this also causes his telekinesis to stop functioning

This ability is the strongest in Cutters arsenal, He's able to "Ignite" but his own body, this functions as a stronger version of his telekinetic enhancement that can also be used while his weapon is ignited. "Awakening" isn't effective for a long fight, but it still has it's uses, mainly as an advantage against multiple enemies at once to counteract his mediocre sword skills, though the change it causes in the body have little affect on him, it is still excruciating.


Cutter is a lonely man in a confusing world though he hides that fact quite well, he has a calm, stern attitude and is very much the optimist willing to help someone even with no reward promised, believing he must atone for some past deed he may have committed, though a reward is always preferred.

He's also very kind hearted and gentle, he would never purposely hurt an innocent, and while he's generally a caring soul Cutter also isn't afraid of a fight, and if provoked will usually respond with words first, but has no issue resorting to the sword.

Biography & Lore

Cutter awoke standing in a field of grass between Oban and Alliria, with only a sword, his clothing, and very little information about who he was. the first piece of information was a name, Cutter Wright, unsure if it even belonged to him, still, he started using it. The second thing he remembered was the last thing he remembers, is his own death, he didn't remember how he died, but he knew it happened. The Third thing was understanding, he was brought back by magical means, but who or what caused it was a blur, only that he had been altered by something on the physical level, feeling it creep inside him less like a passenger on a ride and more like a new organ he was hauling a round, whatever was hitchhiking with Cutter ended up giving him the ability to use forms of Telekinesis, sometime later as he was making his way towards civilization, and messing around with his new powers that seemed now second nature, the name of his hitchhiker came to him like a whisper,
