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Basic Information
Gullibird, Jungle Gull High Camouflage, patience N/A Malakath Jungles
Physical description
50 meters tall (164 ft) Green plummage, horned beak, moss and vine covered legs
Out-of-character information
Treestalker by Adam Hulbert

Gullibroqs are massive, flightless land birds native to the jungle regions of Malakath.

Known best for their bright green plumage, Gullibrogs easily disappear into their forest surroundings, with the largest of adults often mistaken for trees. Gullibrogs are highly territorial and will attack anything considered a threat without second thought. Not known for being the smartest of birds, they make quick meals for roving Moriteres and provide a significant amount of sustenance to anything that may consider hunting it.

These birds possess minor nature magic that allows them to mold their surroundings around them as protection and camouflage. Active primarily during the day, they are omnivorous opportunists that will eat anything that presents itself as a meal. Gullibrogs mate for life with females laying clutches ranging in size from 6 - 20 eggs. These eggs are easily as tall as a fully grown human and are prized for their protein-packed contents.

Mated Gullibrogs will take turns sitting on their clutch while the other ventures out to hunt and scavenge. Food is provided to the caretaker by means of regurgitation from a second storage stomach. When the eggs hatch the chicks are vulnerable and feather-less for approximately a week. Both parents will guard the nest during this time, providing consistent meals to the chicks as their eyes open, feathers grow in, and their legs get strong enough to carry them. Gullibrog chicks are also known as broggels.

Broggels grow quickly once they are mobile and learn to scavenge and hunt within their first month. They are fully fledged by five months and reach maturity around a year of age. They may linger within their parents territory for up to three years before heading out on their own to find mates and stake out their own claim. Males compete for females by decorating their feathers with collected flowers, vines, and leaves - the most vibrant winning over their desired mate.

Territory scuffles are settled with shows of intimidation via high-pitched screeches, ground-thumping, and beak brandishing. If neither Gulli backs down, a fight will ensue where both birds will attempt to stab the other with their beakhorn and tear one another apart with their talons or beak. Fights are not typically to the death.

It is said that the Gullibrogs magic is what keeps the jungles so lush and diverse. The larger the population of gullibrogs, the better the health of the forest, and wider it's trees will spread. In times of overhunting or famine, when the gullibrogs die off, the jungles recede quickly and whither.


- Green plumage
- Horned beak
- Large talons
- Minor nature magic to help with hiding and protection
- Diminished wings - flightless
- Leg scales are strong, capable of withstanding a fair amount of damage
- Excellent sight and hearing
- Very quick and agile, fast reflexes


- Very fearful of fire
- Susceptible to cold
- Vulnerable bodies
- Cannot fly
- Not particularly smart

Useful Information:

- When planted in soil, Gullibrog feathers have been known to turn barren soil into nutrient-rich soil that will readily grow crops and plants, for a time. This is a latent power of their innate nature magics. If the feathers are removed or not replaced as they break down, the soil degrades
- Gullibrogs bond with the first creature they see after hatching and can be tamed if they are hatched out by their masters. They are typically well-tended for the first few years of their life, however they grow more and more wild the older they get. Most Gulli owners are forced to kill or set their gullis free when they reach this stage.