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Colsund vey Faruk

Biographical information
Allir Reach 21 Allir Reach
Physical description
Human Male 6' 1'' 203 lbs Brown Stormcloud Tan
Political information
Mercenary Light Cavalry
Out-of-character information
Brandar/Sarge 11/28/18 Maciej Laszkiewicz


Colsund is a brooding youth, with sharply defined features. The most distinctive are his eyes, the color of building thunderclouds. Physically fit, his shoulders are given breadth by a narrow waist, with powerful legs providing him a sturdy base upon which to pivot. Possessed of a boyish face that's sharpened by the depth of thought in his eyes, and it's clear even before one sees the scar tissue on his body that this boy has experienced what most men and women are already familiar with - war.

Skills and Abilities

+ Man At Arms: His father was a bailiff, and passed along what he knew. He's skilled with sword and shield, as well as various polearms. His skill with the axe and mace are passable.
+ Tracking: As a boy, he was entirely slight of build. He also grew quite late, leaving him to practice with bow and crossbow as a child. Taught the value of tracking and hunting, he's quite light of foot when the mood takes him.
- Strategy: He has no head for it. Most problems can be solved with a brute force approach. Throw enough bodies at a wall, and it can be surmounted.
- Magic: He is more than passingly distrustful of magic. If possible, he will avoid mages as much as he can. You can't trust someone that speaks to the air and creates destruction.


Introverted. Altruistic. Loyal. Controlled.

Biography & Lore

Colsund is descended from a lineage of cavalrymen. By now these lands are known for their horses, but in the past, these horses were brought from abroad as part of a mercenary army hired by the people of the Allir Reach for some petty squabble or other. Wealth lead to these mercenaries settling down, and settling down lead to first peace, then to growth.

Over time, they even settled into a cycle of warfare. It was Colsund's misfortune to be born just before the most recent cycle began. His upbringing was peaceful, with his father's village nestled along a river as it ran through dense woodlands. Well-walked paths and the babble of water are the scenery of his youth, and the unmistakable scent of damp piles of leaves takes him to childhood every time.

The first mistake he vowed never to repeat was in extending too much of a hand to a stranger. Welcomed into the village as a traveler passing through, the man committed theft in multiple homes before fleeing. Colsund, along with a weary veteran of war, were tasked with tracking him down. Realizing the man was likely a deserter, they did not spare him the sword when they caught up with him.

It was not long later that war returned to the rolling hills and fertile fields, and with the village burning at his back, Colsund left with the rest to become refugees. Unlike many others, his father had ensured he was trained in basic horsemanship, archery and bladework, and he was able to take a few odd-jobs as extra muscle. Little more than another shield in a wall, he nevertheless learned swiftly, and with no small amount of scarring.

Now a bit more seasoned, he takes to ply his trade as a blade for hire. How else is he to dig himself up out of poverty?
