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Character Layout Printable version
This page can be used as a building block in other pages.

This page has been seen 1,315 times.

|image={{{image|URL of Avatar Image (must end in .jpg/.png etc)}}}
|birthplace={{{birthplace|Where was your character born}}}
|age={{{age|How old is your character}}}
|home={{{home|Where does your character tend to reside now?}}}
|race={{{race|What is your character's race? Commons races include human, elf, dwarf, orc}}}
|gender={{{gender|What is your character's gender}}}
|occupation={{{occupation|What is your character's occupation?}}}
|avatar={{{image_source|Link the source of your character's image (use a reverse google image search if you are stuck)}}}
{{{summary|Write a summary paragraph about your character here}}}
<Briefly describe what your character looks like>
[h=2]Skills and Abilities[/h]
<List a few key skills your character has>
<What is your character's personality like?>
[h=1]Biography & Lore[/h]
<This is where your detailed biography will go. Feel free to complete this section later and add to it as your character develops>
