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Asher Aramastus Bal Printable version

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Asher Aramastus Bal

Biographical information
Vel Anir 29 Vel Anir
Physical description
Human-Elf Male 6’0” 186 lbs Crimson Auburn Byzantine Purple Tanned
Political information
• Bank of Balance
• Bal Household
• Banker
• Mercenary
• Adventurer
• Seafarer
• Assassin
Out-of-character information
RΣD 16-2-2019


Being of the background of wealth and stability, he is often of noble stature in looks, as he carries around him a sense of confidence and charm. This was partly in reason to the union of his Elvish mother and his Human father, the former being one of slight nobility and the latter once a great warrior under the authority of Vel Anir. Asher’s eyes has a certain essence of intelligence backed by confidence, considering knowledge was something that he relished in, sought after, and would go to great lengths to acquire. He has long flowing auburn crimson hair, one that leans towards the darker definition of the classification, taking after his father, who has pure crimson hair, yet has the ancestry of brown haired ancestors in the past, creating a blend of darkness and crimson. His eyes are colored Byzantine Purple, one of vibrancy and one of beautiful and enigmatic manner, taking after his mother, one of great beauty, observation and resolve behind the gaze. Whilst his visage inspires curiosity and knowledge, his body however is one to be acknowledged. Standing at six feet tall, with the muscle of a hundred and seventy eighty-six pounds, or close to eighty-four and a half kilograms, he is well built and knows how to stay well built, due to his time as an adventurer as a youth, more specifically as a seafarer and sailor. Having affinities for adventuring and sailing, with all of the activities that entailed with it, he is generally physically fit one of great vigor in both apparel and in behavior.

Skills and Abilities

• Perceptive Genius:
Asher is one of great perceptive strength and quick thinking, hence the title of genius. Especially with his thirst for knowledge, his is one to utilize such knowledge and personal experiences to his own advantage in a quick and sharply precise manner.

• Silver Tongued Devil:
The art of charisma and social dominance is an art that Asher excels in. He often talks his way out of trouble, and extremely useful in negotiations for trade or in management of the bank, whenever his father requires him to do so. This is also the main source of his charm, and a pivotal persuasive tactic in addition to his handsome visage.

• Swift Blademaster:
An adventurer, warrior, and sellsword, these aspects has honed both body and mind, in decision and instinct, solely for combat. His swiftness can only be described to be of mythic proportions in tales and in songs. Many rumors circulate that even a pool of water, should he even strike, not one disturbance could be found, and the pool to be clear...This is in post probability exaggerated in reputation, though it is simply just a testament of his skill, silence, finesse, and precision.

• Hellfire | Flame Magic:
Having travelled many lands, he has learned many things, this including, the limited ability to summon flames black as night. This magic is not particularly strong in affinity for Asher, as he does not have mastery and full precise control over it, meaning he is unable to send forth projectile flames or perhaps summon it with endless capacity. He does not utilize this in excess, as it is taxing on him if he does, however he still uses it enough for him to be known as “Demon”, implying that he is from hell itself. The nature of the flames are unique in that they do not provide warmth, rather a chilling ice cold, and tends to snuff light from surrounding sources. Due to this ability he is resistant to other forms of flame magic, though not immune, meaning he can still retain harm from such magic of other varying degree.


Asher is someone who is very carefree and adventurous, as he is not one to be shackled by duty and family opinion. Long ago, his father had already given up in trying to train him in the ways of the family, as he proved to be too rebellious and too free thinking to be shackled down by such ideas. However, in the end, he still managed to learn through his constant curiosity and thirst for knowledge. Speaking of knowledge, he is one to desire to know many things, driving him to lengths that often are threatening to his well being or threatening to his companions. This is also an example of his greed, as he has a desire for money and knowledge, two aspects of life that drives him to ends that may never be seemingly satisfied. He also despises notoriety, preferring to assert a sense of enigmatic aura on himself in order to attain curiosity and to keep hidden the vast capabilities that which he carries.

Biography & Lore

The boy to be known as Asher was born in Vel Anir, to Lady Helena Tullius and Sir Alexander Aramastus Bal, one being a beautiful elvish noblewoman and the other, a wealthy and handsome warrior, turned banker, once the previous head of the Bals had become deceased. Despite an upbringing that was supposed to be lived with comfort and wealth, Asher grew up to look forward and accomplish many things on his own. At the age of six, he had already possessed the ability of reading and thought, receiving formal training in the art known as “Blademastering“. This specific art, favors light-footed movement, extreme maneuverability, and deadly piercing and slashing attacks, capable of rending the opponent within mere seconds. This type of art sacrifices heavy protection for speed and mobility, allowing a capability to dish out critical and precise strikes to opponents.

At the age of fourteen, he became dissatisfied as he had no longer anything else to learn in the arts and decided that he must set out and see the world for himself, should he wish to attain more knowledge and more experience in worldly realism. His parents could not stop him, as once he had made up his mind on something, he will do what he has to in order to achieve that, a show of stubbornness that would either prove to be a weakness or an advantage, however one is more inclined to think the former. He would spend the next decade and a quarter, finally returning home at the age of twenty and six. During his travels he has mastered the artform of Blademaster, becoming a sellsword for funds, and occasionally serving as a Shadow-Blade, an art of deadliness that performs in the cover of shadows, a profession that he excelled in due to his mastery and acquisition of the Flame magic known as Hellfire, the way in which he still refuses to share to anyone, giving the impression that he is the only one who knows and utilizes such magic, presumably learned through relics in his journeys.

Upon his return, he was welcomed back with open arms, especially by his mother as she missed him very much...Despite his great feats of combat and strategic prowess, the name of “The Demon” gained much notoriety, however the name of “Asher” remained hidden in the darkness, where he preferred it to be. He spends the next two years of his life to the art of knowledge and administration as well as command, his curiosity finishing the job that his father had started, and only time will tell, how the young banker of Vel Anir will fare in the climate that was the world of conflicting creatures…
