Arwyl Minras
Arwyl was the only child of the Queen of Keirvarn when it fell. Her husband had died on the field against Vel Anir during the beginnings of their conflict. It was a conflict that, from start to finish, would shape his life.
The siege of Keirvarn lasted three months. When no other elven forces emerged to break the siege his mother gave his tutor one final order: to get him and as many others out of the city before it was too late.
Against his will, Arwyl was taken with a group of one hundred of the youngest elves from Keirvarn. Harassed by Vel Anir scouts only sixty made it away. Just days later the city fell. His mother was one of the lucky ones. She died in the first night of fighting. Others were less lucky. Rounded up and sent to a hundred unspeakable fates.
Many were left, dismembered and charred, on what remained of the walls. No siege ever ended well for the residing citizens, but few suffered worse in the history of Arethil than those of Keirvarn.
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Skills and Abilities
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Biography & Lore
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