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Aries, The Unbound Printable version

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Aries, The Unbound

Biographical information
Valyrin 192 Nomad
Physical description
Human Male 2.16m Bigly Black Blue White
Political information
Out-of-character information

"With this blade, comes a solemn vow;
You will have nothing.
Your privilege, is the dirt.

Your freedom, will be the wars you wage.
Your birth-right, the losses you suffer.

Your entitlement, the pain you endure.

And when the end finds you, you will face it; alone."


Aries has wielded 'The Unbound' for more than a century and a half. Having first picked up the sword and sworn the Oath at the age of forty two, the Knight had already spent many years on the battlefield by the time he picked up one of the Swords of the Fallen.

Though always pleasant, and even cheerful, Aries has never divulged to anyone why he chose to pick up the sword. At least not to anyone left alive.

Preferring to keep the reason to himself, the Knight instead speaks of the many adventures he has partaken in during his time with the blade. He is happy to tell tales of the heroes he's met, the evil wizards he's slain, and the sieges he's partaken in.

Aries seemed to be the very picture of a Knight. Considering himself to be the creator of a code of Chivalry which should be followed by all. The basis of this code coming from the Oath of the Blade he wields. A thing he has embraced whole heartedly, and rarely deviates from. Others seeing it as a grim fate, while Aries sees the words as a prophetic guieline.

A code to live by.

Strangely, it is often his swords which is the more cheerful of the two.

The Swords of the Fallen

Though there are many magical swords within the world, only seven of them were forged with the blood of the Fallen.

Said to grand their wielders immortality, the seven blades have been sought after for centuries. Those who seek glory, fame, and eternal life hunt the blades.

No one can say for sure who forged the blades, but despite their differences each one has a through-line of similarities that cannot be ignored. Each of the swords is unarguably magic, but every single one also holds it's own unique personality and sentience. All of the seven swords are capable of independent thought and memory, holding a strong character which many find downright irritating

This strong personality is usually reflected within the blades own unique magic. Each of the swords bestowing it's own special magic it upon it's wielder. Alongside the oathblades normal abilities of; greater longevity, better healing, and the wealth of their own knowledge.

Each blade is also capable of 'consuming' magic, although this is not an effect that can be controlled by the wielder. The swords naturally eat and ravage magics around them, only ceasing when in their scabbards. This is how the blades fuel their own abilities, and is the reason many mages fear those who wield them.

In order to use the blades magic properly and to full effect, one needs to take up the Oath.

Without taking up the Oath one can still wield the sword, but the effects of the magic are controlled by the blade itself. Instead of being naturally connected to the wielder, the Swords personality commands its magic. Doing with it as it pleases, and meaning not just anyone can pick up the blades and hold their power.

The Unbound

Though not it's true name, the blade known as the Unbound is a massive one hundred and forty seven centimeter blade, it's blade alone stretching for more than a meter. It weighs nearly ten pounds, and were it not for the magic suffusing it's very essence would be almost impossible to wield.

Capable of the same magic as it's fellow Blades of the Fallen, those who take up the Unbound and swear to it's Oath are granted longer life, greater healing, and the wealth of knowledge within the blade itself. They are also granted the blades own unique ability, which for the Unbound is primarily speed.

Though not quite as simple as a single word, the Unbound grants it's wielder true 'freedom'. Incapable of being bound by any chain, the wielder of this sword finds that no shackle, chain, or even weight can hold them; including their own.

As with any magic in the world of Arethil, the costs of these magics is not free. It is paid by a ravenous hunger contained within the Unbound, a craving for magics. The blade almost constantly feeds on any magic around it, and will actively 'consume' spells and other things it comes in contact with. It is through this way that the Blade feeds it's own abilities and allows it's wielder to survive.

Like it's brothers and sisters, the Unbound was forged millenia ago. Though it does not remember who or what created it, the sword does remember many of it's wielders. This knowledge often passes down to it's current wielder, though only 'The Mirror' is able to show a complete picture.

The Unbound has always been considered a bit of a 'jokester' by many of it's wielders. Almost never serious in how it deals with it's partners, the world, or any problem it might encounter. The Unbound enjoys humor, and gets along well with those who understand it a well. Probably why it and Aries' one hundred and fifty year partnership has been so productive.
