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  2. Hanna Spring and ROSENROT
JoJo anime OC - Printable version

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~Name: Rosenrot (Red Rose in German) (Inspired in Rammstein's song called 'Rosenrot')
A female version stand with a red tones around its body going from light red to the darkest red color. It's hair is very long and in a dark red color with some light red stripes.
With deep green eyes and a torned body, it can looks like a living rose vine.
Have some roses around its body and thorn vines coming from shoulders to hands, wrapped around it like a body shield.

Strength: A
Range: C+
Melee: S
Accuracy: A
Speed: B
Damage: A+

Abilities name:
-Rose Splash
-Red Menace
-Shooting Petals
-Thorned Hug

This is a melee stand, so, is weak against range enemies.

~Stand Master
~Name: Hanna Spring
~Age: 23
~Appearance: She is a short woman, with long white hair and deep blue eyes. Always dressing social shirts and skirts.

Kind, nice, patient and very focused.

Food, walk alone, chat with friends and go into a good fight sometimes.
Annoying people, rude people, wake up early, talk about her past.

Background :
Star Dust Crusaders:
Hanna was captured by Dio to work for him. He didn't use the meat seed on her since she just accepted the offer as she had her hidden reasons for it. As one of Jotaro's gang enemies, she start to chase them but soon she realizes what is really happening.
Decided to give information to Jotaro and others she start to defeat some of stand users that Dio hired, making more easy for the gang get into Dio's place.
But before they could reach on, Hanna was discovered and Dio now is trying to kill her sending some of the powerful stand users to get her. Hanna get caught by one but in the middle of the fight Jotaro's gang meet her. Will they help her out or Jotaro will defeat her?
(More info at ongoing RP)

Diamond Is Unbreakable:
(coming soon~~)