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Aratus Seldmus

Biographical information
Thelios 28 Thelios
Physical description
Athallian Male 6'0 Particularly Muscular Individual Brown Brown Brown
Political information
N/A Town Guard
Out-of-character information
Alan Today AC Odyssey


Tall, dark, handsome. Aratus is known to have a very.. piercing and unsettling stare. And he usually doesn't smile, especially to strangers.

Skills and Abilities

No magic, and unlike his father, not a seafaring man.

Aratus is a good example of the thing that most Alltharians are known for- Aratus was born to be a warrior, a soldier. From birth, Aratus' gift has been soldiery. Marking, scouting, patrolling, hunting, sword-fighting, and shield-bearing. These are the gifts that Aratus was bestowed. Nothing more, and nothing less. And such, Aratus, upon turning twenty years old, was gifted with the blessed duty of being the town watch, the first line of defense of Thelios. Known as the Guardsmen, to those who don't speak the language of the Athallians.

Aratus has done nothing but train and fight threats to Thelios for three years straight, day in and day out. Needless to say- Aratus has become quite good at fighting. But since his acceptance into the Guardsmen, he has only repelled pirates, slavers, and raiders- the long, legendary battles of the past are long gone.

Aratus is also quick with a card trick, and is quite good at playing card games.


By Athallian standards, Aratus is a talker.

By everyone else's- Aratus is an abrasive, quiet man. Aratus is especially insightful, and could be considered an analytical person. He usually has a good ability to 'read' people. This stems from his time as a guard, and determining which visitors to the city would be a threat or not- and often with pinpoint accuracy. Though, it's easy to determine if someone with a sword and their hand on it will be trouble.

Aratus is deeply connected to his home, and takes great pride in his ancestors. He shows a moderate amount of respect to outsiders, as do all Athallians, but Aratus is usually more polite than most. He recognizes the value and appreciates those who want to visit his culture.

He doesn't like people who want to stay, though.

Biography & Lore

"I had a mother, a father, and a brother. He's still around. I like him a lot. My life isn't exciting. I missed all the good wars."

- Aratus when asked to describe himself
