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Alythea Printable version

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Biographical information
The Alythenian Woods in a land far away. Hundreds of years old. She appears in her late twenties. Where does your character tend to reside now?
Physical description
Unicorn cursed into a human. Female
Political information
What is your character's occupation?
Out-of-character information
Link the source of your character's image (use a reverse google image search if you are stuck)

Write a summary paragraph about your character here


Alythea is shorter than average height and rather frail looking. She has a pale and smooth complexion, with long dirty silver hair. Her hair is often uncared for leading for a tattered mess, frayed ends, and usually covered in dirt.

Alythea has no fashion taste and sometimes wear clothes that were thrown out. She chooses to wear what is more comfortable rather what is practical or trendy.

Skills and Abilities

<List a few key skills your character has>


<What is your character's personality like?>

Biography & Lore

<This is where your detailed biography will go. Feel free to complete this section later and add to it as your character develops>
