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Aka the Slave Printable version

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Biographical information
Cerak At'Thul 43 Currently Balta
Physical description
Komodi Hermaphrodite, Strong Male leaning 2.2m / 7'2 240 kg / 529 lbs Black Yellow Ash
Political information
Slave Slave
Out-of-character information
Krobon 12/26/2018 Arishok Artwork


Large, muscular and covered in thick Ashen scales, Aka was born a slave and from an early age he was used for mining operations around Cerak At'Thul, he grew larger than most of his kin with thick corded muscle and an obvious male leaning development within their hermaphroditic species.

He has a lot of scars and healed cracks across his scales because of all the fighting he has done, he wears simple but effective metal armor that covers most of his body without inhibiting his movement too much, large horns held upon his head and yellow eyes, piercing with slit pupils, his digits are thick claws, showing that they have been used as dried blood seems to have taken hold in the Keratin that they are made of.

Skills and Abilities

Fighting and heavy labor are his greatest skills, he was bred for it, confronted and forced to it for decades, all other things have taken a backseat because of it, he is strong with great fortitude of form but he cannot read nor write, even his vocabulary isn't anything to write home about, a simple beast one could almost call him, though he is a product of his upbringing.

He has one small hobby however, he enjoys carving wood whenever he had a chance to, which is few and far inbetween, but it's something.


Brutish but submissive, he was born in to slavery and has never tasted a different life, he knows how to respect his masters but when set loose he lets out all the rage and bloodlust he has pent up within him, because of his history there is nowhere he feels quite at ease as he does in battle, not because he enjoys it, but because he knows it better than any other place, kill or be killed, it's simple and you need not think a lot to comprehend it.

He never had a chance to grow close to fellow slaves, any of the slaves he lived with could be his enemies the day next, and killing a friend is more difficult than a stranger. It makes him a rather solitary person as well, not by choice but by circumstance. The few chances he has had in his history to become close to others, he found himself fiercely protective.

Biography & Lore

Born to slave parents and brought up with other bred slaves, he knew nothing of life but submission, as soon as he was old enough he was put to work in the mines, he had a family of sorts there, friends that shared his circumstances. But as is the case when you have things you care for as a slave, they have a tendency to be taken away. He had a good friend, a Komodi as well before they were old enough to truly have a gender leaning, his friend's name was Ankh.

Ankh was a mine worker like him, but a fair bit smaller even though they were the same age, because Ankh was weaker he'd often get punished for slacking, to the point where it almost killed him. Aka harboured anger towards their punisher if only because that was the only friend he had, they had plenty of small fights among themselves, frustration and anger because Ankh wasn't growing stronger as he should and it caused most of these problems, one day however Ankh would not survive the punishment given and it was the only time that Aka stood up against their master, which was subsequently the action that led him to the fighting pits.

He spent the larger part of his life after that fighting in pits and arena's within Cerak At'Thul, until the point that he with a large regiment of other fighters were bought by Prince Devyn of Balta, where he was supposed to fight for him on the battlefield, but before he was supposed to fight his first battle, a peace treaty was made and he was now but a slave waiting for his next use.
