Pale chalk like skin, however not wrinkled like some other orcs her skin is smooth and mostly without blemish. She stands at 6' tall. Wearing a tattered loin cloth adorned with small bird skulls and leather throngs. Her chest is bound tightly in thick leather straps and her mid section is exposed. Around her neck is a bone necklace with black feathers and a larger bird skull as the center amulet, its eye sockets are filled with a pink quartz like stone.
Long silver thick wavey unruly hair with feathers woven into it. Her eyes an uncanny grey green, deep and mysterious. Long white tusks protrude from her mouth, clean and in good condition.
Long silver thick wavey unruly hair with feathers woven into it. Her eyes an uncanny grey green, deep and mysterious. Long white tusks protrude from her mouth, clean and in good condition.
Skills and Abilities
Horse riding
Animal husbandry in particular wild animals
Use of a bow and arrow for hunting.
Basic fetching of arrows
Basic pelt processing
Basic cooking of game meat
Medicinal herbs
- pain relief concoctions
- basic salves for prevention of infection.
-women's concerns
Communion with the light
Animal husbandry in particular wild animals
Use of a bow and arrow for hunting.
Basic fetching of arrows
Basic pelt processing
Basic cooking of game meat
Medicinal herbs
- pain relief concoctions
- basic salves for prevention of infection.
-women's concerns
Communion with the light
Growing up alone with very basic understanding of social interaction had made connecting with others difficult. She is fierce and stubborn. She is devoted to the light and follows her own intuition and signs given to her to guide her life. She is resourceful and physically strong.
Biography & Lore
Born in an unknown place disconnected from her heritage. Limited memories of her parents and of a night filled with stars and smoke. Follows directions from her skulls and totems to assist with her life choices. Lives a solitary life but could be romanced in the right conditions if her guides agreed. Has wandered alone without any real connection to society. Her totems have been itching and howling in her mind that change is just around the corner.